Buy Silent Disco HeadphonesSilent Eve International

Music Festival Silent Disco Headphones
Buy Silent Disco Headphones and do unforgetful events ever!

Our brand of Silent Disco Headphones Silent Eve is one of the biggest in the world. We supply the Silent Party Equipment to United States, Europe, Australia and even Russia. Let us chance to open Silent Disco World for you!


We provide the equipment on the edge of technology:

  • Silent Eve RH-100

    The main model of Silent Disco Headphones. 3 channels = 3 colors. It lights within 3 colors: red, blue and green.

  • Transmitter RT-001

    It’s powerful tool for your Silent Events. You can contact any sound device you want: iPhone, DJ mixer or laptop.

  • Receiver Silent Eve RR-200

    You need this stuff if you want to connect your our headphones to our radio system. It’s useful for promotion of other headphones or if you don’t need the big headphones.


  • Free world-wide delivery from 100 headphones
  • 100% prepayment by agreement

Send us your request and we provide you full information.

how can we help you?

Contact us the Silent Eve office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

We were amazed by Silent Eve team. Thanks a lot for the professional job

Silent Disco Michael
Michael Davidson
Founder & CEO, Miami Challenge

Wanna Buy the Best Silent Disco Headphones ever? Contact us!